Kentucky Legislature (SB 205)

Imagine that you just graduated from college, you have student loan debt, but you are just offered your "dream job". When you sign your contract, you are informed (not your choice) that they will be taking 13-14% of every paycheck and putting it away in a retirement fund for you. On top of that, they'll even match your contributions and when you retire after 27 years, they will pay you a full salary! Yay! But, in exchange for this retirement system, you will not be able to draw social security and if your spouse dies, you can't get their social security benefits either. You're already getting paid less than other positions with your level of education, but this is your "dream job"! It's not all about the money. 
You love your job, but it costs you a lot of money to do it. You buy a lot of supplies and tools that you need to do your job. Plus, you end up buying clothes, shoes, and food for your clients, because they don't have things you need. You work your scheduled work hours, but you bring home work each night and a lot of times on the weekend too. But, you still love your clients so much you are willing to take a bullet for them if someone tries to hurt them. 
After years of dedication, you learn that the government that promised to match your contributions in your retirement fund, they haven't been paying their part, but you've been paying yours! On top of that, the retirement money that has been taken out of your paycheck over the years is not really going into a retirement fund for you after all! In fact, your government has been using that money to pay for other things without your permission. It's your money and they spent it! 
Wouldn't you be mad? Wouldn't you consider not showing up to work? Wouldn't you start looking into other career paths? 
I mean, these teachers are the people that are preparing your kids for their future. They are teaching them to read and write and do math. They are teaching social skills and how to get along with others. They are challenging them to try harder. They are working with them through trauma and behavior problems. They are the shoulders your children cry on when someone in your family dies and the people they go to when they feel sad and want to hurt themselves. They are the people that you trust with your child's life! 
But, wait, these aren't your kids are they? They are someone else's kids. Your kids go to private school. Public schools are just for people who don't really care about their kids, right? It's just for kids who don't really deserve a good education because they have behavior problems, come for poor neighborhoods, have a learning disability, or speak another language. Your kid doesn't need to be in school next to "those" kids. Your kids deserve better. Forget about the pensions that were promised to these teachers. You need a tax break to help you afford the private school. That's what's really important here.


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