Talking to Your Kids About the Coronavirus

Talking about scary things with your kids can be scary for parents, too!  Here's a little advice on talking about scary things like the coronavirus: 

1.  Keep your kids away from the media as much as possible.  Don't spend hours watching the news, reading things on social media to them, etc.  This will add to their fear and anxiety. It is your job to get the information and then share it with your children in a way that is developmentally appropriate.  
2.  Remain as calm as possible in front of your children, even if you are freaking out inside.  Many times, a child's anxiety is a reflection of our own.  
3.  Remind your kids of all the things we are doing to keep safe like washing our hands,  social distancing, cancelling events, and staying home from school. Reassure them that you are doing what is necessary to keep them safe and healthy.  
4.  Let them ask questions and answer as best you can.  Not allowing them to ask questions will only make them worry more.
5.  Keep a routine during NTI days out of school.  Have a schedule for when you will do school work, eat meals, do family activities so that there is structure to their day.  
6.  If you are sick, follow the CDC Recommendations.  

Here's a valuable link from the Child Mindset Network for talking with your child about the virus:

Brainpop has some videos to help explain the virus to your children:

Be sure to check out my website for more resources during this time of Non-Traditional Counseling!


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