Welcome to my blog page!

Welcome to my School Counseling blog! I love to write and I have lots of stories and opinions to share. People have been telling me for years that I needed to put my thoughts in a blog, because I'm always posting these very long facebook posts, so here we are! I thought I would tell you a little about me in this first post. You can visit my website: www.counselorjohnson.com to find lots of resources that I love to share.

My name is Melissa Johnson and I grew up in Kentucky, where I lived until 2014 and I am happy to be returning to my home state this school year! I am originally from Corbin, KY (Home of the First KFC and Cumberland Falls State Park) and lived in that area until I graduated from Cumberland College (now University of the Cumberlands) in 2000 with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Business & Marketing and Secondary Education with a minor in Psychology.

I began my teaching career in Henry County, KY teaching high school business, computer, and finance classes, sponsoring FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), coaching the school dance team, and sponsoring our pep club for four years. During that time, I also completed my Master's Degree in School Counseling (PreK-12th Grade) in 2004.

I moved to Louisville, KY in 2004, where I began teaching Marketing courses at The Academy @ Shawnee, sponsoring DECA (An Association of Marketing Students), serving as our School Technology Coordinator, running our TV Studio, and serving as a Department Chair. In 2009, I was Kentucky's Marketing Teacher of the Year.

In 2010, after 10 years in the classroom, I finally got to put my counseling degree to use! I stayed at The Academy @ Shawnee focused on College & Career Readiness. Over the next three years, I would work with students on college and scholarship applications, host college & career fairs, arrange campus tours, job shadowing, and implement a new school-wide advisory program, where students learned about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. I was also responsible for our school's master schedule and worked with two other counselors to schedule all of our students. During that time, I completed my Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership and School Administration and attained principal certification.

In 2013, I began working for GRREC (Green River Regional Education Cooperative) in Bowling Green, KY through a Race to the Top Grant as a College & Career Readiness Counselor. I worked at West Point Independent School (Grades PreK-8th Grade) and implemented the Leader in Me Program, teaching students about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. I also facilitated professional development in several schools on Data Management and College and Career Readiness.

During the summer of 2014, I moved to Florida and began my work in Manatee County at James Tillman Elementary as the Certified School Counselor. I also served as chair of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Team, Testing Coordinator, and sponsored our Student Leadership Team. During my two years there, I was able to implement school-wide programs and facilitate professional development for staff. I also learned all about how education works in Florida!

During the next two years, I was a school counselor at Braden River Middle School. I was also the 504 Case Manager and Testing Coordinator (for part of that time). I served as Vice President of the Manatee County School Counselor Association.

This school year, I returned home to Kentucky and I am the school counselor at Eastern Elementary School in Georgetown, KY.  I am so thankful for the warm welcome from the administration, teachers, staff, and families of Eastern.

During my 19 years as an educator, I have worked with students of all ages (PreK-12th Grade) and have held a variety of extra duties. I consider your children my own and my colleagues a part of my extended family. To read more about my counseling theory and philosophy, click here.

In addition to my work, I enjoy watching horse racing, horseback riding, traveling, road trips, theme parks (I love Disney World!), arts & crafts, the theater, reading, drawing, and painting. My husband, Steve and I married in September, 2017 and he works in electrical sales. I am also the cool aunt to my five nieces and one nephew.


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