Therapy Dogs in Schools

I am so excited to be starting a new therapy dog program at my current school. Believe me the students are excited, too!  The parents and teachers are, too.  Therapy dogs in schools can help reduce stress and anxiety among students, improve attendance, help teach social skills, increase confidence in reading, and encourage students to talk about their emotions.  This year, I have volunteers from a therapy dog organization that are visiting our school as we learn the best practices for having a therapy dog in our school.  They've been working with our RTI Reading Intervention Groups.  They've met with students with attendance problems.  They've visited classrooms and worked with me with groups in my office.  I'm excited to have a dog as my counseling partner next year.  Read more about our Therapy Dog Program on my website.    Here's a picture of our dog that is in training right now! What should we name him?


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