e-Learning-Just Breathe!

As an educator of 20 years, let me just say that it is all going to be okay if we miss some school this year! Teachers, nobody expects you to be able to provide the same level of education that you would in your classroom online. I am amazed how creative you are and how you are maintaining a connection with your students. That connection is far more important than the "content" you may feel you need to teach. Parents, nobody expects you to know how to homeschool your child or teach common core math!  ðŸ™‚ You don't have to keep a strict schedule that mimics that of a traditional school day. Don’t spend this time fighting with your kids about school work. 
It's okay that we are not going to cover all of the standards that we had planned in our pacing guides. It's not going to put your children behind or make them less competitive for college or jobs because we don't cover certain standards or we don't have state testing this year. Everybody else is going to miss school, too. Each year, there are schools that shut down because of a school shooting or because a hurricane or tornado takes out their school. There are kids that miss for extended periods of time because of illness or mental health issues. Those students go on to still be successful in future years and in careers. They will be okay. 
Just because they are not learning the content we had planned for this school year does not mean they are not learning. They are learning the importance of family. They are learning to make memories that they will one day tell their kids and grandkids about. They are learning how to handle hard times from you. They are learning how to make the best of a bad situation or when things don't go their way. They are learning about how to stay healthy. They are learning to be creative. They are learning a new hobby. They are learning to be self motivated. They are learning life skills like cooking, taking care of a pet, or solving problems. They are learning to use technology in creative ways. They are discovering new interests. They are developing an appreciation for having food and other supplies readily available at the store. They are developing an appreciation for all of the activities you are always taking them to. They are seeing their teachers and their school friends in a new light and learning to love them even more. They are learning skills that will help them later on when they are adults. 
Don't stress about what they are missing out on at school. Instead, focus on what we are gaining from this time at home. This may be the "rest" we all needed right now. We may have needed the reminder to slow down and just spend some time together as families.


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